If you been following this blog for any length of time, you know I’m trying to make healthier living easier. You also probably know that food is my weakness in that area. So when I met this awesome chick at a Bloggy Boot Camp Conference in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago, we hit it right off. She is from right here in Nashville and she is all about becoming a full-time blogger too! Needless to say, I knew we needed to do a Healthy Living Post Swap!
Here to give you some awesome tips about making good-for-you food both tasty and easy is Baylie from The Pampered Vegan. Don’t let the name fool you, her recipes are beautiful and filling! Please give her a warm welcome and feel free to leave comments, questions and even go visit her blog! I’ll be back with an awesome new project for you first thing Monday morning!
Hey guys! I’m Baylie from The Pampered Vegan. It’s so nice to meet you! I couldn’t be more excited to be guest posting on Cajun’s blog today. Cajun + I only just met, but I’m pretty sure we’re long lost sisters! Today I’m happy to share with you a few of my personal favorite vegan recipes – from breakfast to dinner and everything in between! Let me show you how easy it is to eat green, clean, and still get plenty of protein!
I tried to put together a little something for everyone. Enjoy!
Breakfast: This Berry-Delicious Chia Seed Breakfast Parfait is my favorite grab-n-go early morning meals when I am pressed for time. All you need to do is remember to prepare it the night before, let it sit, and bam! A perfectly balanced breakfast awaits you in the AM! And it’s quick & easy to boot! A mixture of almond milk, chia seeds, vanilla extract and pure maple syrup create the base for this healthy breakfast parfait, and no one will believe you that it’s vegan when they try it! Throw on some fresh berries for the perfect morning pick-me-up!
Lunch: If you know me at all, you most definitely know that I am a chickpea fanatic. You will also know that I love creating my own chickpea recipes. When thinking of which one to share, I was immediately drawn to my Totally (un)Tuna Salad Sandwich. Enjoy this on crackers, in a pita pocket, over a bed of greens, or as sandwich topping – you just can’t go wrong!
Snack Attack: So, it’s mid-afternoon, lunch has worn off…I’m sitting at my desk, and I’m hungry. What do I reach for? Well, these Sea-Salt & Vinegar Chickpea Bites of course! (See, I told you I love chickpeas, hah!) A healthy protein packed alternative to its calorie-laden, potato-made counterpart, these will satisfy your craving and hold you over without all the guilt! Feel free to munch away.
Dinner: My next recipe is literally hot off the press and in perfect timing for your next veggie burger craving. This Black Bean Walnut Taco Burger has blend of Mexican spices, black beans, walnuts, and more. Not only is this burger super flavorful, but it holds together and has awesome chew. And guess what? No food processor involved! I promise the man in your life will love it too!
Dessert: I can’t leave without ending on a sweet note. These Crunchy Raw Chocolate Cookies will leave your family guessing the ingredient! So healthy and easy, they are the perfect way to end your day!
3 cheers for COOKIES!
A big thank you to Cajun for inviting me to guest post today! I hope you enjoyed this post and please feel free to stop by and say hello over at my blog, The Pampered Vegan. You can also find me on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook & Instagram! I would love to hear from you!
Mommy's Kitchen says
I munch on raw chick peas ;) Love them !
Mommy’s Kitchen recently posted…Fried Whitebait With Raisins
Stacie says
I am not Vegan but these recipes do sound delicious! I want to try the Crunchy Raw Cookies this weekend. Next week we will have to try the Black Bean Walnut Burger for lunch.
Stacie recently posted…DIY Geoboard and Resources
bloominginbedlam says
That is my big takeaway since i found baylie’s blog too. Vegans still seem to eat some pretty AWESOME stuff!
Debi @ DebiStangeland.com says
Looks like I have some new recipes to try this weekend. Looks delicious! Thanks Baylie!
Debi @ DebiStangeland.com recently posted…Create A One-Stop Shop On Pinterest
bloominginbedlam says
Yay Debi! Be sure to go let Baylie know how they turned out!
Bina says
I’m not Vegan, but I am a foodie and that food looks delicious!
Bina recently posted…My Fave DIY Halloween Make Up Looks!!
bloominginbedlam says
OMG I totally agree!
Cassie @ 3Dinosaurs.com says
Lots of good ideas to try out even if your are not vegan.
Cassie @ 3Dinosaurs.com recently posted…FREE CVC Word Family Wall Cards
bloominginbedlam says
I know (and I am so NOT a Vegan)! I am dying to try the sea salt and vinegar chickpeas this weekend!
Sonya says
I will have to checkout the recipe for those cookies. I made chickpea tuna once and it turned out really good. I’m a big fan of chickpeas.
Sonya recently posted…Five Fire Safety Tips for Parents
bloominginbedlam says
Yay Sonya! Let me know how they turn out for you!
Theresa @DearCreatives says
It all looks so yummy! Especially the black bean burgers.
Theresa @DearCreatives recently posted…Tips For Cleaning Tools And Tires Plus #DawnBeyondtheSink Plus #Giveaway
bloominginbedlam says
I know! Nom, nom, nom!
ashley says
That burger looks amazing. I’m hungry.
ashley recently posted…Strawberry Shortcake
bloominginbedlam says
I know, right? I can’t wait to try the sea salt and vinegar chickpeas… with wine- lots and lots of wine!
Baylie says
Definitely don’t need an excuse to drink wine :-P