I started my journey to making healthier green beauty decisions with the discovery of Essential Oils. You see, I have very sensitive skin and no matter what products I tried, some chemical ingredient would flare up my skin. I started reading labels and researching ingredients to find out what was causing my acne, sensitivity and severe dryness. I couldn’t find a single product in my local grocery store, drug store or department store that didn’t have some variation of artificial preservatives, harsh chemicals or irritating exfoliants. So I turned to the internet and found there were boatloads of information out there to help every ailment under the sun in a more natural way. And while, essential oils are no longer the only aspect of my green beauty regimen, they were my jumping off point. Keep reading to find out how essential oils changed my beauty routine.
Follow Me on Pinterest Cajun {Blooming in Bedlam}
I imagine you’ve noticed there is so much information out there about essential oils that it can be overwhelming to sort through. I’ve been there, friend! I’m not here to claim to know exactly what will work for you. The truth is, everybody’s skin is different. Having said that, this post is about sharing what HAS worked for me. I hope by my sharing them, you will be open to incorporating them into your beauty routine. The best thing about adding essential oils to your beauty routine is how easy it is! You are simply swapping it for another product you already use or adding it to another product. Easy peasy!
1. Use Vetiver For Sleep:
If you only take one thing away from this post, I hope it’s about this oil. It has had the biggest impact on my beauty routine and my life. For that reason, I’m going to talk about it a little more. If you get bored, just skip to the next heading. I promise the rest are more brief. ;)
It is widely known that the human body needs sleep to function properly. There are also plenty of studies and documentation showing that too little sleep greatly affects your looks and skin. I think the WebMD article here sums it up quite nicely. We just can’t have a beauty conversation without addressing sleep. They don’t call it “beauty sleep” for nothing.
I have had trouble sleeping for over a decade. I had tried every sleeping pill out there, prescription and over the counter. They all either left me hung over and groggy the next day or left me staring at the ceiling while my husband snored away. I would lie awake thinking about everything I needed to do the next day and how to do it better. Lack of sleep really showed on my face. Dark under eye circles and skin that just always looked dull. Not to mention it didn’t improve my mood.
Then I read about Vetiver Essential Oil. It is frequently suggested to help promote feelings of calm in children. It soothes my tension and helps me feel grounded after a long day, which clears my head of that pesky to-do list. I rub one drop on the bottom of each of my big toes at night. Then I lie back and turn on a recorded episode of Diners, Drive-ins & Dives. I’m usually out by the first commercial (8 minutes) because the louder commercial wakes me back up to turn off the TV.
I’ve been sleeping like a rock since January 2014 and I quit sleeping pills in less than a week after trying Vetiver. I NEVER want to be without my Vetiver Essential Oil again. My skin looks brighter and my dark under eye circles are dissipating. This convinced me to try other oils in ways I never before considered.
2. Add Lavender to Your Mascara:
When my dark circles started lightening up, I noticed that I’ve got some pretty nice eyes (if I do say so myself). But I always seem to have a little redness and watery eyes (thank you allergies). Lavender Essential Oil is great for reducing skin imperfections and soothing skin irritations. So I added some to my mascara tube to ease the redness that comes from rubbing my eyes. I was worried about whether it might harm my contacts, but as long as you don’t regularly get mascara on your contacts (which would ruin the contact on its own), you’re fine. Now my baby-blues have a little extra “come hither” built right in!
3. Helichrysum Fades Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Dark Spots & Acne Scars:
Years of poor sleep left me with plenty of dark spots all over my face, neck and chest. Your body uses sleep as a time to recuperate and repair cells, especially skin issues. Lack of quality sleep meant I was stressed on top of fatigued. Stress= breakouts. Breakouts= scarring and dark spots. Normally, scarring and dark spots would be greatly diminished by adequate sleep repairing your skin. But for me, they just stuck around. Every minute of shut eye went in the zzz bank toward keeping me awake the next day. I had nothing in reserves to repair the damage to my skin.
But, Helichrysum Essential Oil reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by helping your body regenerate new cells at a rapid pace. I use it daily on my face in two different ways. First, I use it in my all-natural Soothing Facial Toner. I also add it to a bottle of Argan Oil, which I use as my moisturizer. My dark spots are practically gone. I can’t believe I don’t have a before and after picture to show you. I shouldn’t be surprised at this point, but I didn’t expect these kinds of results. It really is amazing.
4. Use Melaleuca as an Acne Spot Treatment:
I may have found a way to repair all my dark spots, but I still have breakouts. Mostly, stress and hormone related. Work gets intense and then that special time of the month rolls around and like clock-work, I’ve got a breakout. Melaleuca Essential Oil (commonly known as tea tree oil) clears any blemishes up within a day or two max. As soon as I see or feel a blemish coming on, I wash my face, use my toner and argan oil moisturizer, then use the melaleuca as a spot treatment. It is naturally antimicrobial, so it rapidly kills the blemish-causing bacteria in your pores. Within a couple hours, redness is reduced and the blemish has noticeably shrunk. It works so much better than all of the harsh creams and gels I used growing up. The blemish just goes away and doesn’t leave you with a dry, scaly spot for five days to cover up.
5. Diffuse Lemongrass & Marjoram to Purify Skin & Relax Facial Muscles:
I’ve talked a lot about stress already and it’s negative impact on your sleep and skin repair. I’ve also talked about ways to reverse the effects of stress, but what about stopping stress in its tracks? I don’t know about you, but when I am under a tight deadline and concentrating hard, I scowl. High school, two college degrees and ten years as a paralegal have etched concentration lines on my forehead. And little crepey lines around my eyes. I’ve even started to see lines around my mouth from where I purse my lips. I’ve been working hard on not letting stress take over and instead relaxing my muscles (especially in my face) while I’m working.
I do this by diffusing oils at work. Up until now, a calming blend has been my favorite, but it can sometimes be TOO relaxing for work. I just want to nap and blog if I start diffusing the calming blend at work. I still L-O-V-E this oil for diffusing at night or in a bath, but not for work. I first started using Lemongrass and Sweet Marjoram to help soothe the muscles contributing to pain from my shoulder fracture. But then I found they smell so amazing together. They kind of remind me of Trix cereal without the cloyingly sweet smell. It turns out they are really great for soothing and relaxing tired and stressed muscles. But I still stay alert and focused. Lemongrass has the added benefit of purifying and toning skin, while Marjoram supports and benefits the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. That means your skin is purified, while oxygenation and blood flow are increased. Hello there, beautiful skin!
You may find that these oils don’t float your boat, but diffuse something to help you keep your facial muscles relaxed and the wrinkles from deepening. Don’t have a diffuser yet? Check out my post on my diffusers, and which ones I use in different settings here.
I am researching and experimenting now on essential oils to help reverse the signs of wrinkles. I can’t wait to tell you about my results! Sign up so you don’t miss that recipe.
I posted the recipe and AMAZING results I’ve seen with this Rosehip Cypress Anti-Wrinkle Cream. Don’t believe me? These are my Before & After pictures (two weeks apart):
You simply MUST make this! Click here for the recipe.
So which oils do you want to try first? Have you found help from another oil? Please let me know in the comments section below.
I also use vetiver for insomnia but I simultaneously use it to as a firming cream on my neck.
I’m in my 50s and have long had unusually loose saggy skin on my neck and under my chin. The skin in this area looks older than the rest of me and has since my 30s.
I find that vetiver oil is soothing, non irritating, and you can use it directly on your skin. I don’t have before and after photos but I don’t think I’m imagining this.
I’ve been rubbing vetiver oil directly on my neck every night for almost a month and my feels much firmer.
I also suffer from frequent insomnia and believe the vetiver, like you said, is enormously helpful with that so using it on my neck just before bed kills two birds with one stone.
This is a great blog! I’m going to make the rosehip cypress cream for sure.
This is so awesome (again). I fell in love with oils about 6 months ago and found this post- loved it. It helped me use some oils. Now I’m running into it again with a new understanding considering the first time I saw this I was wading through So. Much. Info. Anyway, thank you. Love this.
P. S. I have never had longer healthier lashes than I do now. I love to add 1 drop each of Cedarwood, Lavender, and Rosemary to a new bottle of mascara 😍
I have been an insomniac since Junior High, and it’s getting worse and worse now that I’m a mom to two bouncy kids..
All EO “sleep-well” recipe out there seems to incorporate Lavender, and sadly, I can’t stand the smell for a long period of time and for more than a drop of it against about 10 drops of anything else.. Since I only need to sleep and not dizzy-ed myself to sleep, I try to stir clear from Lavenders, and will definitely try out Vetiver..
Thank you so much for this..
Looking forward to trying out Vetiver!
A few things I’ve learned along the way:
Helichrysum is amazing at fighting inflammation. I blend it with coconut oil and use it on my bad knee when the weather changes.
Frankincense is a great all round oil, and is good for so many things I can’t remember them.
Rose geranium oil is also great for your skin, and plays well with others.
Rosehip oil!! Helps your skin reproduce it’s own collagen and makes a super carrier oil.
Not to forget shea butter, cacao butter, emu oil.
And lavender is great for your hair as well :)
Yes, all these suggestions are wonderful! But tell me more about emu oil, as I’ve never even seen it offered for sale.
Hi Cajun!
I’m reading up your blog – recently discovered! I am loving it! Specially since I’m trying to get into better beauty products, and makeup products (I’m getting that feeling that I need to choose better things for my body) and the EOs world. I don’t like the idea of ingesting them (since I believe you need to know what you are doing and I certainly do not know haha) but topical and diffused are good starting ways (in my opinion). I see the images here and know the brand (hehe, when all your friends are on either of the two biggest companies, you get familiar with the bottles). If it’s just a matter of choosing to buy EOs from either the brand portrayed here or Plan Therapy, which would you choose?
Obviously everyone that sells this or that brand will push for theirs as they define it as the “purest” and “best quality” and a thousand other good things haha, which makes it hard to find a true answer to “my favorite brand is X because I truly back up the results, not just because I have to rep it”. In your case I see you don’t sell for this portrayed company which makes me happy to not be hit on the face with “just buy it from me”. So I think I can get an honest pointer from you to either try this company or Plant Therapy (or even the rival company from the one shown here *gasp!* haha).
Thank you for your time, and for the time you put into your blog :) you have a new fan!
Hi Ingrid! Thanks so much for your lovely words and welcome. I have used all three pod the brands your referring to and have decided to stick with plant therapy. They offer a wide range of oils, as well as some organic options and their prices are cheaper, while maintaining thesame quality as the other two brands. They are also NOT an mlm company so I’m not paying a bunch extra to “join a club” and I don’t have to worry about minimums to buy or sell to maintain a certain status level. I buy whay I need, and no more. Hope this helps. And thanks again for reading. Feel free to ask any more questions you have.
Thank you for your honest answer! I’ll be trying Plant Therapy then :)!
Can’t wait to put so many of your recipes and advicd into practice!
I’m definitely glad I found this article! I have been using Proactiv for nearly 10 years…it’s the only thing that keeps my skin clear. Every time I think I’m going to try something else, I regret it…I end up with seriously gross breakouts and spend weeks trying to reverse them. I want so badly to try these tips, but I’m a little nervous. If I picked just one thing to do – face cleanser, for example – which would you suggest?
Hi Tricia! I have a whole page dedicated to acne prone skin with several of my go-to suggestions for making switching to green beauty easy and affordable. Find it here: https://www.bloominginbedlam.com/what-is-my-skin-type/oily-acne-prone-skin/
Is there anywhere you can get the Helichrysum oil cheaper? 44.95 is out of my budget but I would like to try it. thanks
Hi Rhonda, unfortunately helichrysum is definitely one of the more expensive oils. The one at Plant Therapy is the cheapest oil of good quality I have found. I’m sure you can find it cheaper somewhere, but not of a decent quality.
Nice tips . I have blended rosemary essential oil with other oils and found that it did help with hair growth . I am facing the dark circles problem too . Tried all the remedies and healthy food habits nothing seemed to work. You mentioned that vetiver oil is helpful in treating dark circles . Did you blend with other oils and how did you use it ? Are there any other oils that is helpful for dark circles ?
Hi Uma, the Vetiver just helps with sleep, which in turn helps worn dark circles a bit. The best thing I’ve found for dark circles is the Bright Eye Serum by Blissoma, which you can find here: http://shrsl.com/?ffco
Every essential oil remedy I’ve tried can’t hold a candle to the results I’ve seen with this serum. It’s 100% non toxic and all natural. Last night when I went to take off my makeup and shower, I realized I went out in public to dinner with only mascara on! No concealer under my eyes or any other makeup. Cutting all the toxins out of my skincare has made an enormous impact on my skin. Thanks for reading Uma!
Hi I’d like 2 say iv been using grapefruit oil on my face for a good few months now.i can say iv tried many oils creams ect but nothing really worked. This oil is a miracle. Hair Not growing in places.
That’s VERY interesting Sadie! I’ll be trying that on my areas of concern. But readers BE CAREFUL! Grapefruit is a citrus oil and they can make your skin burn when exposed to UV rays much quicker than normal. I will personally only apply at night, diluted and always wear non-toxic sunscreen during the day, like Coola’s mineral sunscreen, found here: http://amzn.to/2hxip5e
Hi Blooming,
May I just say, your posts are an early Christmas present to me! I discovered one yesterday while searching for an EO recipe for scars. With all of the amazing links you provide, I began clicking from one to the next. I absolutely had to subscribe! The plethora of information you provide on EOs is AH-MAZING! Thank you for your vast research and for sharing it. I dibble and dabble in research, however have not spent adequate time in doing it. Your posts have given me the jumpstart that I need. After a recent dermatology appointment, I realize that I can no longer ignore my sensitive skin. I plan to finish my current facial cleanser, toner and exfoliant, which are way too expensive, might I add and begin making my own using EOs. Forgive me for typing your head off, but I must tell you that I applied Melaleuca neat to a pimple (last night) and again this morning and it is basically gone! I can now throw that prescribed topical treatment away (it does not work anyway). I cannot thank you enough and am looking forward to making more of your recipes.
Oh that’s so exciting Kizzy! I can’t wait to see all your results. I have a whole page dedicated to sensitive skin and what I recommend for it. Look for the link to it on my home page. You are going to love green beauty. And you don’t have to make all of it either! There are some really great ready to buy products that are just as clean as what you can make. I am just so excited for your journey and how much your skin is about to improve! Keep typing and letting me know. XoXo-Cajun
I started using Purifying Neem & Turmeric cleansing bar then afterwords face is damp I add like two drops of argan oil and two drops of frankincense oil and put it on my face morning and night. Is there something else that I should be doing to help improve my skin and completion or am i applying these things wrong?
I’ve never used neem or turmeric because they aren’t right for my skin type (very sensitive and reactive). I honestly think you’re using too much Frankincense. 4 drops a day is a lot. You’re setting yourself up for being desensitized to it. That’s just my opinion though.
Hi Angel,
I use Avocado Oil with a little drop of Teatree Oil on affected areas. It works better than the chemicals from my doctor!
If the skin is ok I just moisture it with a small amount of Avocado Oil on a slightly damp face after cleaning it.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
I suggest you also read the book ” mixing essential oils for magic”. It is really inspiring.
For the rest. As a saunamaster I would recommend you to also try to diffuse these essential oils in the sauna.
Cool the stones with some water, make a ice bal ( ore more ) and put the drops of essential oil on top of the iceball and ENJOY .
Lovely greetings from Belgium !
hi im just wondering how you use the oil for sleeping? do you just apply it to your skin or do you use another method?
Yep. Just a drop on the bottom of each big toe.
Awesome post!!! I suffer from acne as an adult and do not like to use harsh chemicals on my face. This post is what I have been looking for!! What type of products do you use to wash your face and what brand of argan oil do you use? Thank you so much!!
I have a whole post on my Oil cleansing routine. Check it out and thanks for reading!
Do you apply the melaleuca to your face?
Yep. I put a drop on a qtip and dab on any spots after washing and moisturizing
I was wondering if after you add lavander to your mascara if you mix it around or not. Also does it have to be a new one or can it be an already opened mascara tube? Love the post!
Yes I mix it around. I wouldn’t put it in too old of a tube because that is just wasting good oils.
How many drops would you put in a tube?
Thanks for the great tips but have you any ideas on how essential oils may help reduce unwanted facial hair?
Many thanks
Girl, I WISH! I haven’t found anything yet, but it will be headline news if I ever do.
Some gals in my upline say that grapefruit helps with unwanted facial hair growth. Have yet to try it though! They say topical with fractionated coconut oil. But only at night now that its summer due to photosensitivity.
Fascinating! Thanks Heather
While it doesn’t reduce facial hair, turmeric apparently lightens it! I just started using a turmeric facial mask to help with acne, dark circles, and to lighten the hair. I just started so I can’t see the results yet, but I do love how it makes my face feel afterwards!
how would I use the Velvetier for a child with ADD?
I honestly can’t speak to that. There are several blends out there for use in children, but I am not familiar with the ratios and dilution that would be safest for children. I was researching for an adult, so I don’t want to give you the wrong info. I would Google it because I know there are a lot of recipes out there like “peaceful child” that involve a couple EOs and diluting with a carrier oil in a roller bottle. Good luck and thanks for reading!
Thanks so much for sharing all these tips. I’ve got some great ideas from you that I’m going to try immediately. I do have a question though. Are you using the oils full strength (like Vetiver, Tea Tree, & Lavender) or are you blending them with a carrier oil first and then using them as described in your post?
Thanks Christina! I use those three oils neat on myself. I tried them diluted with a carrier oil first (which I do the first time I use any new oil) and worked my way up to ensure safety. Of course everyone reacts differently, so I recommend everyone use that method when trying any new oil too. Great question and thanks for reading!
Love essential oils, thanks for Vetiver info, will try tonight
What do you use for a fash wash? I have really sensitive skin and have been making my own face and body wash. I haven’t came up with a concoction I love and works for me. I have many food allergies and react to many chemicals.
Hi Amanda, I do the oil cleansing method. I did a whole post on my recipe. Just search for it.
Love your great site! I saw somewhere that you used an oil for the lines around your eyes but now I can’t find it! Could you repeat it again and how you mixed it with anything else? I’m new to essential oils and not sure how to mix for topical use. Thanks!
It is a cream that I make and the link to that recipe is close to the bottom of this post. It is the rosehip cypress cream. Welcome to the world of essential oils and thanks for reading!
you talked about dark spots under your eyes, what about puffy bags?
There is a while post on a wrinkle cream I use that greatly reduced the puffiness under and around my eyes. There is a link on this post to the cream recipe and pictures.
Yes, I would like the link to that post about puffy bags under your eyes!
Scroll to the bottom of this post and click on think link to the wrinkle cream.
I’m wondering how much Helichrysum essential oil you add to your argan oil. What are the ratios? I really want to try this!
Hi April! I use a one ounce bottle of Argan oil and usually add about 25-30 drops of Helichrysm. Thanks so much for reading!
I ended up doing a 3% dilution (3 drops per teaspoon of argon oil). I’ve only used it twice, but I noticed a difference with just one use! I had two healing acne spots that were taking forever to heal, and they were a lot better the next morning. Also, it seems to have balanced my skins oil production, which is awesome! I can’t wait to try your eye cream.
I saw this shared on pinterest and checked it out. I would love to try it but there are no local stores who sell it around here. Where could I buy essential oils and are there brands that are better or worse? Thanks :)
Hi Kendra! Thanks so much for reading. Email me to find out the brand of essential oils I use.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!! I read this about 2-1/2 weeks ago and promptly ordered Vetiver. I have also been an insomniac for over a decade and have tried literally everything. The meds I’ve been on made me gain a ton of weight but they work so I’ve taken them. I have slept like a rock every.single.night since I started with the vetiver. I was skeptical but am now sold. Already weaning off the meds!! Thanks SO MUCH for this tip!!!
That is so WONDERFUL Jen! It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do, isn’t it? I had no idea what I was really missing until I started sleeping through the night consistently. I am so happy for you. Thanks so much for reading and coming back to tell me about your experiences! Sleep well!
Hi Cajun! I was wondering about how many drops of lavender essential oil do you put in your mascara tubes? I don’t want to overdo it!
Usually just one drop will do just fine. I agree, overdoing it would lead to very wet mascara, which is never good.
I’m not finding the dropper tops on Amazon – can you send me a link and show me which one(s) you used? Thanks!!
I got them from aromatools.com, not amazon. Aroma Tools isn;t my favorite place as far as fast customer service or reasonable shipping prices, but that is where i got them.
I loved what you wrote. I too am learning more and more everyday. I am going to use the lavender in my mascara. I am very sensitive to the smell of mascara and this should help that a lot. I wonder if the helicrisium would help my large pores. I will try it, also for my dark circles. Thank you so much for the wonderful tips.
Thanks Sherry! Helichrysm won’t help for large pores. I would try cypress for something like that. Thanks for stopping by.
I just wanted to let you know that I loved your post, and I subscribed to you. I love the tip on Lemongrass and Majoram. I never heard of this before, and I’m glad I came across it because I have muscle spasms all the time in my neck and back. I’m also really glad I came across the tip on the Vetiver. My neck and back problems are so severe that I cannot sleep very well and I have a lot of problems falling asleep and staying asleep. I also love any anti-aging beauty tip I can find. I started wearing face cream when I was 13, and have always taken very good care of my skin. I also love Argan oil, and have been using it for years. But, I didn’t start using essential oils until about a year ago. I took a class in it, and I slowly started using them. Now I use them for everything (my skin care, my hair care, first aid, muscle aches, cleaning, even my dogs), and I’m even starting to make my own beauty recipes at home. They all work better than things I have paid a lot of money for in the past. And you’re right about Helichrysum. It is good for everything. It is probably my favorite essential oil for the skin healing and pain relieving properties. I rub it on my neck and back when I am in severe pain. If it weren’t so expensive, I would probably bath in it (maybe slightly exaggerating). That’s how I also feel about Argan oil, I love it that much. Anyway, I am very excited to try these 3 new ones, and want to thank you because I don’t think I would have tried them had I not come across your post since I have never read anything about them before. I am also excited to get more sleep and get rid of my under eye circles. I recently turned 33, but everyone thinks I look around 20, sometimes they even think I’m in high school. Maybe by incorporating your tips, I’ll look even younger! Thank you so much!!!
Oh thank you so much! I could totally bathe in Argan oil and Heli if it was in any way cost-effective!
I loved reading your article. I mostly like the sleeping oil Vetiver. I truly want to try that and also give some to my boyfriend because his schedule always swaps and he can never get a good nights rest. Insomnia! He takes this organic pill, but sometimes they don’t work at all. So this will be a great item to give him.
Now I had a question about the Acne Spot oil Melaleuca. For me I don’t use any type of moisturizer, but if I understand you correctly. You just apply the oil straight to the spot. Is that correct? Just want to make sure before I do it incorrectly.
That’s right. Just directly on the spot. Don’t worry it’s not “oily” and works great!
My hair is thinning rapidly!! Is there an oil that can help me with that?
I know rosemary helps support hair growth and there is an alopecia protocol of some sort out there. I would first recommend you consult your doctor to make sure there isn’t some major health concern being overlooked, but then i would start adding rosemary essential oil to shampoo, conditioner and any other hair products you use.
Hi, I have heard a lot about your oils and wanna try them for sure
Plz guide me as I have a oily skin with alot of acne marks.
iam 31 asian and i have developed wrinkles on my circle (under eyes)
my skin is sagging and my jaw area seems dropping when i see my face from a distant mirror
plz guide me to the oil that has following properties:
1. tighten my sagging skin ( my age is 31)
2. completely clear my acne marks
3. control that oily look and even out my complexion
4. removes the wrinkles under my eyes :(
bundles of thanks & love
Hi Naina! Your skin type is very different from mine, but would recommend Melaleuca for acne and oily skin and cypress and rosehip seed oil for skin tightening. I would recommend checking out my post on the oil cleansing method for the tables crafted for different types of oils for each skin concern.
Happy SITS day! :) I love your blog! My beauty routine is sadly lacking in anything beyond a basic face wash and moisturizer. What can I say, the life of a stay at home mom is extremely glamorous >.<
Sally G recently posted…Why I May or May Not Have Screamed Today
Thanks Sally! Your blog is still probably one of my favorite SITS feature, so thay means a whole lot!
Hi, visiting you via the SITS girls. Thank you for the posts, they are terrific. I too, love essential oils. I will keep your site in mind and come back to see what you new things you post. I love Helychrisum and lavender oil! Exploring Clary Sage and Frankincense as well. My own eyelash-lengthning formula, which has thickened and lengthened my lashes is 1 part vitamin E oil, 1 part Aloe Vera Gel and 1 part Evening Primrose oil. Never thought of adding lavender to it. Does lavender make your eyes sting? My formula doesn’t. Just wondering…
Clotilde/Craftybegonia recently posted…Abrianna
Nope. No stinging and I just have to add a couple extra drops to my already existing mascara tube. :)
This is fascinating! I definitely want to check out Vetiver. Happy SITS Day!
Akaleistar recently posted…Winter Trooper
Thank you! Vetiver is my all-time favorite if you couldn’t tell already!
Bookmarking this post! I’m about to start making my own beauty products, so this is perfect! I’m already oil obsessed. Do you make your own mascara or add it to your premade mascara?
Oh, and happy SITS day!
Ashlee recently posted…My Bucket List
Haha! I have been adding it to mascara, but I am experimenting with mascara now. I just haven’t found a good version yet. You will absolutely LOVE making your own products, I promise!
I’ve heard so much about essential oils but like you said, there’s so much info out there I get overwhelmed to even start. Thanks so much for this info! I have a lot of little acne scars I’ve been dying to get rid of, so some of these might help. Thanks for sharing and it’s a pleasure to meet you via SITS! :)
Monique recently posted…Race-Car Ghosts (Who Are You Racing?)
It can definitely be overwhelming, but I am in love with everything I have tried so far. These oils are SO much more effective than anything you can buy in a store. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Well, you’ve certainly got me thinking on these. I’m starting to hear more and more people talking about essential oils, especially the one for sleep. I’m a bit wary of the concerns about the smell, though, so not sure. But I’m going to think about it…
Seana Turner recently posted…Kids, Clutter, and Christmas Gifts
I honestly don’t think they smell any different for most artificial perfumes added to almost every beauty or body product out there. The difference is my skin doesn’t flair up like it would with artificial chemicals and perfumes. Thanks for stopping by and I’m happy to answer any questions you have.
You mentioned a shoulder fracture in your lemongrass and majoram helped it. I have an AC joint separation. I recently had surgery on it but it came undone. And I’m wondering what you did to help your shoulder fracture. I’m in constant pain with my shoulder. Do you know what could help with that too? By the way I am looking forward to trying out this blog post!
Hi Shalee! Lemongrass and Marjoram, plus Frankincense are commonly used it to help with pain. I personally found wintergreen essential oil to be much more effective at helping me take the pain and could run it right on the location. I’m so sorry about your injury! My shoulder was definitely more painful than any other. Wishing you quick healing!
Where can I buy these oils you have mentioned?
Johnna, you can email me to find out the brand of essential oils I use.
I really enjoyed reading your experiences and have pinned this on my Pinterest board for future reference. I have just started experimenting myself with oils.
I have super dry skin and any ‘store bought’ cream however expensive were just not cutting it for me.
I have had much better experiences with a few oils I have researched and tried myself. I do not claim to be as experienced as you, but they seem to be helping me in my quest for a dewy skin! lol
I am currently trying Rosehip, Vitamin E and Marula Oil and would welcome your opinions as to if I am doing this thing right….TY Jo xxx
Oh thank you Jo! I highly recommend the rosehip seed oil, but you can also try avocado oil and argan oil. Those are my 3 favorite carrier oils. There are several essential oils that are great for dry skin in the chart above. Thanks so much for commenting and pinning!
Great post! I have been in the beginning stages of researching essential oils and have been slowly changing over products I use to healthier, less chemically stuff! Your information on these specific oils is great, will be pinning for reference!
I have hormonal acne as well, so I have been looking for natural remedies for this. I actually do use tea tree oil already. Do you use the tea tree full strength or do you dilute it? I know it is pretty potent, so I didn’t want to use it too repetitively.
Also, what would you suggest for some “beginner/starter” essential oils to start incorporating into daily routine?
Anya @ Quiet Wayfarer recently posted…3 Legitimate & Easy Money-Saving Websites for Online Holiday Shopping
Thanks Anya! This post is about the oils I use everyday so I would recommend these to start with. I use tea tree undiluted on a q-tip and just dab it once a day on any blemishes. I have plenty of other posts on this site including a mask about hormonal acne and how my oil cleansing is tailored to my hormonal acne too. Just browse Aarons and feel free to ask more questions! Thanks for pinning!
Great article! I have the same problems you do but haven’t tried using oils yet. So, you just rub them onto your face and put some drops of them into things and tada! New woman? I can’t believe it’s that easy.. Going to buy some now!
Well its not exactly “tada” in that I didn’t see results overnight, except maybe with the Vetiver. I did see noticeable results in the dark spots in about a week with my toner. Thanks for stopping by and key me know if you have any more questions!
Wow thank you for all of this information! I have lived with dark circles under my eyes for YEARS, I am excited to try these oils and see if I see the same results :) xo C
Courtney Violet Bentley recently posted…My Ideal Weekend in Bangkok: Guide to the City
That’s awesome Courtney! Please fell free to come back if you have any questions on your EO journey. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Love your post about oils I just recently started trying oils as well because of sensitive skin too and because I’ve always believed in natural things to be better. I just want to add the licorice also is great for your skin. If you research it you’ll come across many benefits from it including sun protection against UVA and UVB rays as well as being a natural way to brighten your skin for dark sports it also helps for acne as it controls the sebum that produces acne as well as protecting your skin from bacteria. The smell is not the best but I just mix it with lavender oil for a not so bitter smell. I wouldn’t recommend to someone with very oily skin thou as it may be worst for acne due to it’s sticky texture. I have a combination skin and love what it has done for me. Hope this was helpful.
Hmmmm…I can honestly say I have never heard of licorice oil. Thanks for commenting though. Off to do some research!
Fennel oil is amazing!! Non-sticky too :-)
Where do you the dropper tops for the bottles?
Hi Julie! You can get them on amazon. I get so much from amazon it’s ridiculous!
Wow, who knew there were so many benefits. I’m going to try the sleep and wrinkle oils!
Kim @ Life is a Lullaby recently posted…Grandma’s Apple Pie Recipe
The vetiver for sleep has seriously changed my life! I am not exagerating in any way. Going from sporadic sleep with lots of tossing and turning for a decade to sleeping through the night consistently has made me a whole new person. A happy, sane, and polite person- LOL!
I am so very thankful that I happened upon this post I just had to leave you a massive thank you! As soon as I read this post I picked up vetiver and helichrysum. I was rather skeptical about the vetiver really helping me sleep as I’ve had troubles with falling/staying asleep for years but this oil is a MIRACLE worker. I fall asleep faster and wake up considerably less throughout the night. As for the helichrysum I was once again a bit skeptical and ended up once again shocked. I already used argan oil and rosehip seed oil as my daily moisturizer so I added some helichrysum to the argan oil and I am absolutely blown away by the results (and I feel like I got results really quickly which is always a bonus) and, like you, so disappointed I didn’t take a before/after picture. Thank you so much for this post and for introducing me to the wonderful world of essential oils it really has changed my life!
Thank you SO MUCH for commenting Johnna! I am very happy to know that I helped someone else just by sharing my experiences. Your words mean so much to me. I am very grateful that you took the time to come visit my post and read it the first time. But then to try out my suggestions AND take the time to come back and day such lovely things… I might cry. Lol. It means so much thay you took the time to do that in our crazy busy lives. Thank you again Johnna.
Wow! Great info. I’ve been wanting to start EOs and this info provides a great beginning point for me! Has anyone had experience with EOs and psoriasis and eczema ? Thank you for the info. I’m going to look into oils right now!
Thanks Pam! There are some great psoriasis recipes all over pinterest. I believe most of them will have Melaleuca, Geranium and Cedarwood, or some combination of those. I don’t have either of those issues so I’m not an expert on them. :) Thanks for visiting and for your lovely comments. I hope you will consider choosing me to help you enroll or buy retail from my store.
Love this article, thanks! I curren
Yay! How exciting and welcome to the essential oil family! Feel free to come back and ask me questions whenever you want. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to try your suggestions. What do you use to wash your face before you use your toner and moisturizer?
Well in the summer time I use a cleanser by Blissoma (look for their ad in my sidebar) but in the winter I switch to the Oil Cleansing Method. Stay tuned for a future post on my recipe for that! Thanks for stopping by Angie!
Great post! I have a quick question. I’m to this world. Do you use carrier oils when applying topically? If so, which is your choice?
Hi Kara! It really depends on the oil. I follow the guidelines in the back of my Modern Essentials book. I do not dilute Vetiver, Melaleuca or Lavender when I put it on myself. For little ones, ALWAYS DILUTE at least 20:1. My favorite carrier oils are Apricot Kernel Oil or Fractionated Coconut Oil. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Just found your post and love it! I too use Argon oil. It is the best for my mid 40 skin. I just bought my first bottle of helichrysum oil. Do you have a certain ratio you use? Thanks!
Thanks Lynn! My bottle of Argan is 1 oz in size and I put about 30 drops in a full bottle.
Great post! I also love essential oils!! I hope hope hope that everyone who’s been leaving comments about adding oils to their skincare regimins and to their mascara are referring to very high quality and safe oils! But these are great tips! Helichrysum and Vetiver are on my dream list for oils! (Its a long list!) I wanted to add that I added a drop of Rosemary to my mascara this time around! (I have done lavender before and loved that! I love this too!) I read that you can do either, but rosemary is known for hair growth so I thought I would try it out! My friend did Rosemary And her lashes are crazy long!! I am also looking into trying bergamot with my next tube of mascara. I read that it’s also great for hair growth and is also “the oil if confidence,” so I think that will be a perfect addition to some flutter-worthy lashes! Keep up the great blogging! :) thanks for the tips!
Michelle, I agree with you wholeheartedly about the importance of quality oils, but I want all my readers to experience the many benefits of essential oils, regardless of brands. I definitely want to try adding rosemary to my mascara now. I would be very careful about using bergamot though because it is a citrus oil. All citrus oils can cause sun sensitivity, so I just don’t want to put it close to my eyeballs or risk it lightening my lashes more. I already have blonde lashes so I don’t want white ones- LOL!
I have heard about adding the lavender to mascara, but I was wondering if it makes your eye make up harder to wash off. I have heard everyone that tries it in their mascara loves it except for having to wash it off, but I have also heard that some people don’t have a problem with it at all. How has it been for you? Thank you for all of your tips! I can’t wait to try them!
That’s a great question Hannah. I don’t wear waterproof mascara and I have not noticed any difference in it being more difficult to remove. I ususally just wet my fingertips in the shower and let them sit on my lashes til my fingeres come back clean. That way I don’t accidentally pull or scrub out my lashes- hah! I have so few that they are important to me! Thanks for visiting and commenting!
I am looking up Helichrysum EO, and finding a couple different variations with way different price ranges. Which should I be looking at?
Tasha, Thank you for visiting and for your question! Helichrysum is one of the more expensive essential oils. But it is amazingly effective. And since you just need a few drops, the price is worth it for me. I can make enough facial toner, body butter and add it to my argan oil as a moisturizer to last for about three months and still have half a bottle left over. That is much less than if I bought all those items directly off the shelf. I can really only speak to the quality and effectiveness of the brand I use, which carries the Helichrysum italicum species. You want to make sure you are buying an oil that is in no way diluted and only the essential oil itself. You can contact me directly if you want to know the brand I use.
Happy Sunday! Hope you’re having a FABULOUS weekend–just wanted to swing by and give you a huge “Thank you!” for linking up at Bewitchin Projects last week–and we’ve already got the party started again today, so be sure to come link up again here: http://www.ourminifamily.com/2014/08/bewitchin-projects-block-party-week-5.html
~Cathy Mini~
Just getting into essential oils and this post will surely help!! Great tips!
Susen @ Dabbling Momma recently posted…Organize Measuring Cups and Spoons
That’s great Susen! I hope you love them just as much as me!
bloominginbedlam recently posted…Vintage Radio Revamp with a Bluetooth Boost
That’s a great tip, Tori. I would add a word of caution with using Citrus oils on your face. It can increase your sensitivity to sun exposure. Never use citrus undiluted on your face. And always avoid any sun exposure for 6+ hours after using or ingesting citrus.
bloominginbedlam recently posted…Vintage Radio Revamp with a Bluetooth Boost
I have used helichrysum for years and have never really went any farther into EO. I am going to now. My DH calls it “snake oil”, because it seems to be such a miracle cure, for all the aches and pains, sunburns, etc. I even use it on my dogs, nervous licking spots. I am going to love trying all the different oils. Thanks for your insite into this.
Oh Thank you Margie! Does DH stand for “Darling Husband”? LOL! My male boss calls it snake oil too, while my Darling Husband calls it Red Light Voodoo. HaHa! But they both use Deep Blue like it’s going out of style. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving kind words. :)
So far I have only tried essential oils for my homemade cleaning products, but I would be interested in trying them for my beauty routine. This sounds like a great place to start, thanks for sharing! Stopping by from the Pretty Pintastic Party, I will be pinning this post!
Bev recently posted…Pretty Pintastic Party #16
Thank you Bev! I think you will love using EO’s this way. I’m so glad you stopped by and thanks for pinning!
bloominginbedlam recently posted…How Essential Oils Changed My Beauty Routine (+ My Must-Have Oils)
HI. Thanks for this post. I have been wanting to try essential oils but didn’t know where to begin. You make a very compelling case for adding them to my daily regimen. I’m glad I found your site from SITSsharefest. xoxo
Caryn recently posted…Easy Recipe: Kale Chips
That’s wonderful Caryn! I hope you try it soon. Please feel free tocome back and all any questions.
bloominginbedlam recently posted…How Essential Oils Changed My Beauty Routine (+ My Must-Have Oils)
Fabulous post! There are so many wonderful benefits to essential oils.
Susie (The Esthetic Goddess) recently posted…I’m Baaaack!
Thank you Susie! Love Me some EO’s. Thanks for visiting.
bloominginbedlam recently posted…How Essential Oils Changed My Beauty Routine (+ My Must-Have Oils)
Great list. I also love thyme oil for pimples. It has completely cleared up my breakouts x
Bele @ BlahBlah recently posted…DIY hydrating mask with quince (and Sjogren’s Syndrome)
Wow, I’ve never heard of using thyme. I don’t even have that oil. Thyme just got added to my research list! Thanks for visiting and the tip Bele!
Great tips. I’ve used lavender and tee tree oil before. I’ve made my own lotion and lip gloss before too. But, great to hear about a few of the others that I’m not as familiar with.
Theresa @DearCreatives recently posted…Inspiration Spotlight Party #Linkup 106 Crafts DIY Decor Recipes
Thanks Theresa! I’d love to hear about that lipgloss!
Love the detail of this article and you really had me at essential oils. The magic of essential oils and of course coconut oil needs to be shared to the world. Lovee!
Becca Niederkrom recently posted…Chocolate Covered Friday: 3 Chocolate Treats to Make this Weekend
Thanks Becca! I agree completely. I want to tell everybody about EO’s!
Your tips are great! I love using essential oils, but I have never used them as you suggest. I’m really intrigued by adding lavender to mascara – doing that.
I’m not familiar with helichrysum, but could really use something for my skin. I rarely get enough sleep and I had not considered the skin -renewing benefits of sleep – it makes sense. It’s great to have a little help though!
Thanks for sharing at Let’s Get Real link party!
Karen recently posted…Let’s Get Real Weekly Link Party
The Lavender mascara is definitely the easiest add, but it takes a little longer to show results because you have to wait on new lashes to grow in. I saw the results from the face toner with Helichrysum within a week!
Very interesting. I’m actually going to a class about essential oils tomorrow morning. I have been “interested but skeptical” for a year or so. It will focus more on essential oils for health, so I’m interested in what you have to say about beauty.
Thanks for joining us at the Let’s Get Real Party.
Gaye @CalmHealthySexy recently posted…Welcome to the Let’s Get Real Party #52
Gaye, I think most people get started with EO’s from your approach. I started with beauty because I had so many skin issues. After I started using them I found out how awesome theycan be for other ailments and issues. I hope you enjoy your class tomorrow and feel free to come back and ask more questions. Thanks so much for visiting!
I have a new mascara and new bottle of lavender, and am trying out your idea.
Gaye @CalmHealthySexy recently posted…Speak Your Husband’s Love Language – A Simple Way to Strengthen Your Marriage
YAY! Just be aware you’ll see the aromativ benefits right away, but you wan;t see a noticeable difference in your lashes until most of them have grown anew. Somewhere between 4-6 weeks depending on your replacement rate. Please do come back and tell me how you like it!
I am definitely going to have to try tea tree oil on my foster daughter. She has incredibly sensitive skin and the acne wipes irritate her skin. Thanks for the tip!
Sarah recently posted…Searching for the Perfect Avatar
Thank you for visitng Sarah! I have really sensitive skin too. I think the dermatologist called it “reactive” skin. I just put a few drops on a qtip and dab it on to any blemishes. It is super effective at shrinking and reducing redness. But still gentle enough that I can put it on even if I think a pimple might be starting and it doesn’t make my skin super dry and flaky.
I LOVE essential oils! My favorite is by far lavender! I never heard about adding it to mascara though! I’m gonna go do that right now! I also use lavender at night on my pillow to help me sleep!
Anna recently posted…1 Gallon Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Giveaway!
Hi Anna! You will love adding it to your mascara then. Everytime I open the tube a little Lavender floats out to greet me instead of the mascara-y smell. Thats just a bonus to the eyelash awesomeness! I hope your eyelids don;t get heavy :)
I love this post! Thank you – I am relatively new to eo’s. Only a couple months in and am always looking for ways to use them! The lavender in my mascara is going to change my life! (smile)
LOL! Wel welcome to the EO world! There are so many more wonderful ways to incoporate them into your beauty routine, not to mention the rest of your daily habits. I just had to narrow down the post at some point! :) Please feel free to come back and ask any questions. I love talking about EOs and sharing recipes!
I love my essential oils! I’ve got a blog post in the works at the moment too discussing the benefits. Lavender oil is definitely my favourite but I am going to try Vetiver on my toes now too, I need sleep!
Great post :)
Emily x
Emily recently posted…Best of Premium Mascara
You are going to L-O-V-E it! If I could only have one oil again for the rest of my life (I would cry, but if I had to choose), it would be Vetiver hands-down! Thank you so much for stopping by, Emily!